I was born in June of 1959, in Freiburg, Germany. In December 1966 my mother and I emigrated to the USA, and I have lived in the Philadelphia area most of the time since then. Between 1976 and 1981 I studied physics at the University of Pennsylvania. Sadly, this didn't bring much, because I've never used much of that professionally. But it wasn't all for naught because I met my Wife there in 1979! I've been an American citizen since 1985 and have been married since 1986. We have two kids, Michael (born 7/92) and Katie (Born 11/97). Here are a few family pictures. Since 1988 we live in our own house near Lansdale, Pennsylvania. In 1996 we built a little addition. Here is my personal home-page, and here are some current pictures, usually of my kids.. I also have a sister (born 9/69) and a Brother (born 11/70). Professionally, I've done software and electronics since 1981. From 1993 'till 1997 I was a part-owner in a small company. I still do some consulting for them. My main hobby since about 1980 has been VWs. :-) Here is my VW-Page, my own previous cars, and my current ride. We've had the following VWs in our family: 1977 Rabbit, 70hp - German (mine, then
my brother's) I used to run a lot of Autocrosses in my '84 GTI, but gave it up around 1990 when I got perused another hobby for a while. I went and took flying lessons and earned my pilot's license and owned a 50% stake in a small Airplane for a few years. Unfortunately, I don't make it into the heavens much anymore. So what else? At the present time, I
"work" almost exclusively from home. My wife and I think
small children should have a parent around the house, and what I could
make working at a "real job" is much less than what my wife
makes as an independent Management Consultant. So she goes off
almost every day and works at the State
of Delaware where she is helping out with an SAP
installation. And I get to be "Mr. Mom"...:-) |